Ayahuasca Integration Discussions. Ayahuasca gives us perspective, inspires wonder, helps us to heal on many levels and presents us with endless possibilities for positive change. Join us for quarterly podcasts about how these changes are unfolding in our minds, hearts, in our lives and in the world around us.

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Discussion with Henna Maria on Community, Values & Personal Growth
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Henna and I talked about our journey through plant medicines from activism to a greater focus on what we would like to see and be in the world. Henna discusses how she is making her vision of a healthier, more respectful and harmonious community happen in Finland. Henna shares her experiences of bringing people together, the hurdles she has overcome in this endeavour, what she has learned and how she is using a values based agreement to create an inspired community. We talk about how we see this happening in the wider world, what we're learning from what is unfolding and the opportunities it presents for all of us to find and move into a better way of being.
We also share some of the values specified in the community Henna has formed and here is the page where you can find the complete list of values: https://kotiinpaluuheimo.com/privacy-policy/ - you can use the DeepL translator to translate these values into your own language: https://www.deepl.com/en/translator

Monday Sep 30, 2024
Discussion with Jerry Sargeant of Star Magic
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Jerry talks about his extraordinary spiritual experiences: his NDE and other amazing out of body experiences and interactions with healing entities. We talk about love and the importance of it and the kinds of frequencies and elevated states that help us move forward in life. Jerry describes how he began to heal people at a distance and touches on the quantum nature of this healing. We discuss the reality of phenomenal healing at distances and how this indicates the power of our thoughts, focus, intentions and emotions. We talk about awareness and harnessing these aspects of ourselves to move us forward in life in a positive way.

Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Discussion with Tracy Ganske of the Garden of Divine Community
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Tracy shares her story of working with plant medicines and how they ultimately led her to create a healing community in Costa Rica. Tracy and Rebecca share stories around some dark/difficult medicine experiences relating these experiences themselves to an initiation of sorts which make us stronger. We discuss her integration journey and some of the things that happened along the way to help her heal and prepare her for becoming the leader she is today. We talk about how our relationships help us to grow. We discuss forgiveness, inner child healing and stepping into power. We discuss some additional powerful alternative therapies including equine therapy and hypnosis and Tracy shares about the Garden of Divine community in Costa Rica.

Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Lori Strolin of Bold Embrace shares her Integration Journey
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Lori shares openly about her experiences both before and mostly after Ayahuasca. She talks about her own suicidal thoughts as a result of the challenging situations that she was dealing with post-pandemic and how this led her to the medicine. We discuss the themes/issues that came up during and after her ceremony and how she addressed them. Discussion topics involve harmful thought patterns about self & others, and how this can be addressed through self discovery, self care and self love. Lori discusses her relationship with trees and how trees are great healers and teachers. Lori had trees show up in both her Aya experience as well as her hypnotic journeys. She recalls her childhood experiences with trees, her reconnection with them and how they now play a role in her own practice helping others. We also talk about the growing popularity of psychedelics, how the business sector responded and how we might respectfully consult/include indigenous elders in this new and growing field moving forward to benefit all.

Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Integration Discussion with Doug Finkelstein of An Empathic Society
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Integration Themes: Trust, Money & Social Acceptance. Doug shares the story of his integration journey beginning with him leaving the corporate financial world and creating organizations that are more aligned with his values and interests. Doug discusses some important themes of his integration path including his relationship with money, his heightened concerns over what others think of him and his empathetic nature. We talk about how his social/professional life since his plant medicine experiences with mushrooms and Ayahuasca have provided him with opportunities to work through these issues. We discuss his hypnotic journeying experiences and how they provided him with insights and support as he navigated these life experiences in new and better ways.

Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Neil shared openly about his early childhood and about his integration journey so far. He talks about how he has become more open and authentic. He brings up the topic of ‘transactional relationships’ and we discuss this in terms of not only our own social experience but also within the larger psychedelic industry. We talk about making mistakes and how important it is to accept this part of our reality and growth. We talk about how we can respond better to this part of life and this part of the growing psychedelic industry. We share ideas about the industry and how things can be improved as we continue to learn more about ourselves and how to approach our lives and businesses differently.

Friday Jun 30, 2023
Tammy Le Discusses her Fascinating Ayahuasca Integration Journey
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Tammy shares her experiences integrating Ayahuasca. She shares about how she confronted a dark energy that attached itself while she helped to facilitate a ceremony and what she learned from that. She also discusses some of the figures that showed up during her own Aya experiences and how she began to understand more about them afterwards through hypnotic journeying. Tammy shares how she healed herself by exploring and admitting her feelings and how she healed her relationships by understanding her own reactions and deciding to respond in healthier, more compassionate ways. She effectively embarked on her ancestral healing path by using these techniques to heal her relationship with her mother. She discusses her interaction with spirits, including her own father and spiritual ally, and how they are supporting her through her own unique integration path that is still unfolding. Tammy talks about certain messages that she received during her Ayahuasca journeys – some of which she had to unravel afterwards through hypnotic journeying and decide whether or not it served her to pursue them. She generously shares about the themes of her empowering integration journey including presence, open heartedness, humility, innocence, simplicity and connection with the land, trees, spirits/spirituality and with others.

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Integration Discussion with Ehren Cruz
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Ehren talks about his studies of South American Indigenous cultures, the ugly realities of colonization and how this inspired him to explore plant medicines. He shared about his initial post-psychedelic experience of narcissism as a reaction to the overwhelming nature of this profound event in his life and his sense of mission. This led to him making changes motivated by the rejection of those around him. It ultimately taught him about himself and helped him to begin to grow in a more positive direction. We discuss how narcissistic themes are apparent in our society and that recognizing this helps us to grow as well. We talk about darker medicine experiences and different perspectives on these events and their value. Ehren shares about his spiritual ally and we discuss how this experience of guidance can be powerfully supportive in self-discovery and personal growth. Ehren and I talk about parenthood and how we are changing the patterns of parenting that were laid down for generations before us. We reflect on the positive impact this is having in our world because of the growing number of people who are transforming their lives in this way and healing ancestral trauma.

Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Creating Our Reality - Tension, Beliefs & Victimhood
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
A common inner physical reaction, such as tension, can produce a whole host of unintended effects that we experience as ‘reality’. Becoming conscious of the specific beliefs that cause our inner tension and how they impact the role we play in our lives, can help us reduce/eliminate suffering and create opportunities for positive change.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023